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On the planar Taylor--Couette system and related exterior problems2024-10-24 Boundary Regularity of harmonic maps between singular spaces2024-10-24 Monopoly Pricing, Bayesian Persuasion, and Costly Information Acquisition2024-10-21 Triangles in the Plane2024-10-18 The Salesman and the Postman:Frontiers and Gateways in Combinatorial Optimization2024-10-18 Equivariant invariants in topology:Equivariant bordism for magnetic groups2024-10-16 Equivariant invariants in topology:Torsion elements in equivariant unitary bordism2024-10-16 Equivariant invariants in topology:Equivariant bordism and localization on fixed points2024-10-16 A new deformation type of irreducible symplectic varieties2024-10-15 SCMS Colloquium:Information geometry and statistical mirror symmetry2024-10-12 Critial points of Eisenstein series and Green functions, and spectrum of Lame operators2024-10-12 Deformations of prismatic (𝐺,𝜇)-displays2024-10-10 Numerical Methods for Scattering Resonances2024-10-10 Rigidity results of stable minimal hypersurfaces in riemannian manifolds2024-10-09 Blow up phenomena of mean field type equations2024-10-09 The affine Toda system: Local mass and affine Weyl group2024-10-09 SCMS Colloquium:Flows Related to Signed Eulerian Graphs2024-10-08 Graph Limits and Spectral Extremal Problems of Graphs2024-10-08 午间学术报告会(一百八十四):Simulating non-equilibrium Green’s function by dynamic mode decomposition and operator learning2024-10-08 Bounds on the Maximal functions for spectral multipliers2024-09-24