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Weak Solutions and Singular Limits for a Compressible Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem with Slip Boundary Conditions2025-03-06 The Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Dynamic Boundary Conditions and its Application to Two-Phase Flows2025-03-06 L^q-spectra of dynamically driven self-similar measures: the multi-dimensional case2025-03-05 学科周科普报告:肥皂泡的数学2025-03-05 On the Gauss-Bonnet-Chern formula on Poincaré-Einstein manifolds2025-03-05 On the convergence of inversive distance circle packings to the Riemann mapping2025-03-05 Hadamard integrator for wave equations: a microlocal-analysis-based asymptotic method2025-03-05 午间学术报告会(一百八十六):On the gap probability of the tacnode process2025-03-03 SCMS Colloquium:An overview of tiling2025-02-28 SCMS Colloquium:Nullstellensatz and its Applications2025-02-27 Cat(0) geometry of complex curve complements and Families2025-02-20 Quasimaps to critical loci2025-02-20 Impulsive Navier-Stokes Equations2025-02-19 Beyond the movable cone2025-02-19 Concentration inequalities and exponential convergence for mean-field weakly interacting particle system and McKean-Vlasov equation2025-01-17 Disk patterns, discrete modulus and the uniform bounded diameter conjecture2025-01-08 A new proof of the eichler shimura relation2025-01-08 Unique solvability and convergence analysis of the Lagrange multiplier approach for gradient flows2025-01-03 Quantum for Science: Efficient Quantum Algorithms for Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics2025-01-03 Nonlinear Preconditioning for Implicit Solution of Dis-cretized PDEs2025-01-03