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非线性数学模型与方法教育部重点实验室COLLOQUIUM讲座(七):Uniform error bounds on numerical methods for long-time dynamics of dispersive PDEs


In this talk, I report our recent work of error estimates on different numerical methods for the long-time dynamics of dispersive PDEs with small potential or weak nonlinearity, such as the Schroedinger equation with small potential, the nonlinear Schroedinger equation with weak nonlinearity, the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with weak nonlinearity, the Dirac equation with small electromagnetic potential, and the nonlinear Dirac equation with weak nonlinearity, etc.

By introducing a new technique of regularity compensation oscillatory (RCO), we can establish improved uniform error bounds on time-splitting methods for dispersive PDEs with small potentials and/or weak nonlinearity.

This talk is based on joint works with Yongyong Cai, Yue Feng, Chunmei Su and Wenfan Yi.