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  1. Wenlian Lu, Tianping Chen. Global Convergent Dynamics of Delayed Neural Networks. Complex Time-Delay Systems. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2010:197-262.

  2. Lili Wang, Wenlian Lu, Tianping Chen. Coexistence and local stability of multiple equilibria in neural networks with piecewise linear nondecreasing activation functions. Neural. Networks. 2010, 23:189- 200.

  3. XiangnanHe, WenlianLu,Tianping Chen. Nonnegative periodic dynamics of delayed Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with discontinuous activations. Neurocomputing. 2010, 73:2765-2772.

  4. Fan Engui, Y. C. Hon. On direct procedure for the quasi-periodic wave solutions of supersymmetric Ito’s equation. Report Math Phys. 2010, 66:355-365.

  5. Ying Hu, Shanjian Tang. Multi-dimensional BSDE with oblique reflection and optimal switching. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields. 2010,147:89–121.

  6. Freddy Delbaen, Shanjian Tang. Harmonic analysis of stochastic equations and backward stochastic differential equations. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields. 2010, 146:291–336.

  7. Fan Engui. Supersymmetric KdV-Sawada-Kotera-Ramani equation and its quasi-periodic wave solutions. Phys Lett A. 2010,374:744-749.

  8. Wenbin Chen, Xingjie Li, and Dong Liang. Energy-conserved Splitting FDTD Methods for Maxwell's Equations in Three Dimensions. SIAM Numer. Anal. 2010,48(4):1530-1554.

  9. Zhou Yi, Xu Wei, Lei Zhen. Global exact boundary controllability for cubic semi-linear wave equations and Klein-Gordon equations. Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B. 2010,31 (1): 35–58.

  10. Y. Cai, M. Rosenkranz, Zhen Lei, W. Bao. Mean-field regime of trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in one and two dimensions. Physics Review A. 2010,82: 043623.

  11. J. A. Chen, M. Chen. Explicit Birational Geometry of Threefolds of General Type I. Ann. Sci. Ec Norm. Sup. 2010,43:365–394.

  12. Lin Yiqin, Bao Liang, Wei Yimin. Matrix sign function methods for solving projected generalized continuous-time Sylvester equations. IEEE Trans. Automat. Control. 2010,55(11):2629–2634.

  13. Deng Chunyuan, Cvetković-Ilić, Dragana S., Wei imin. Some results on the generalized Drazin inverse of operator matrices. Linear Multilinear Algebra. 2010,58(3-4): 503–521.

  14. Zhang Naimin, Wei Yi-Min. On the convergence of general stationary iterative methods for range-Hermitian singular linear systems. Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 2010,17 (1):139–154.

  15. Zhou, Yi. Cauchy problem of nonlinear Schrödinger equation with initial data in Sobolev space W^{s,p} for p<2. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.2010, 362(9):4683–4694.

  16. Huanfei Ma, Bing Xu, Wei Lin, Jianfeng Feng. Adaptive Identification of Time Delays in Nonlinear Dynamical Models. Physical Review E.2010, 82:066210.

  17. Wei Lin, Huanfei Ma. Synchronization between Adaptively Coupled Systems with Discrete and Distributed Time-Delays IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Regular Paper. 2010, 55:819.

  18. Wei Lin. Comment on “Adaptive Steady-State Stabilization for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems”. Physical Review E.2010, 81:038201.

  19. Hongwei Lou. Second-Order Necessary/Sufficient Optimality Conditions for Optimal Control Problems in the Absence of Linear Structure. Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B. 2010 14(4):1445-1464.

  20. Tatsien Li, Bopeng Rao. Strong (weak) exact controllability and strong (weak) exact observability for quasilinear hyperbolic systems. Chin. Ann. Math. 2010,31B: 723-742.

  21. Tatsien Li. Exact boundary controllability of nodal profile for quasilinear hyperbolic systems. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci.2010, 33:2101-2106.

  22. Guozheng Cheng, KunyuGuo,Kai Wang . Transitive algebras and reductive algebras on reproducing analytic Hilbert spaces. J. Funct. Anal.2010,258:4229–4250.

  23. Wei Lin, and Huanfei Ma.Synchronization between Adaptively Coupled Systems with Discrete and Distributed Time-Delays. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2010, 55(4): 819-830.